- 1 egg
- A Styrofoam cup
- Lots of bubble wrap
- Numerous straws
- A whole roll of sticky tape (you WILL need it)
- Scissors
- A pen or marker of some description
Step 1: Draw a face on the egg. Very important. Smiley faces are ideal.
Step 2: Name the egg.
Step 3: Cut off a piece of bubble wrap. Pop all the bubbles - because you know you want to, and so if you do it now, you'll get it out of your system.
Step 4: Cut off another piece of bubble wrap that is quite long. Wrap the egg in the bubble wrap, making sure that there is a really thick, even amount of bubble wrap surrounding the entire egg. To secure, wrap the bubble-wrapped egg in sticky tape. There is no such thing as "too much sticky tape" in this step.
Step 5: Shove the egg-bubble-wrap into a Styrofoam cup. (May require some force. But don't crack the egg). Secure top and sides with more bubble-wrap. Secure bubble-wrap with more sticky tape.
Step 6: Get straws and secure them (with STICKYTAPE!) so that they run along the sides of the cup. Four is all that is needed initially. This serves two purposes. Firstly, the idea is, that when the egg-machine-thing falls, the straws will let it bounce, and the egg will not be harmed by such the impact force of hitting the concrete from a two storey height. Secondly, it makes it look like a space ship from Star Trek.
Step 7: Add more straws (WITH STICKYTAAAAAPE!) horizontally on the sides. Serves same purposes as above. Then add more sticky tape for the hell of it. Your final product should look something like this:

Step 8: Drop your Star Trek machine egg container thing from the top of a two storey building on to concrete. IT WON'T CRACK - GUARANTEED.
...yes, this is what we do in Primary Education.
I'm slightly jealous of your "assignment", but mostly I'm just rolling my eyes.
What did you call your egg?
I'm not sure why, but the first name that pops into my head when I think of an egg is 'Bertrand'.
His name was Ed.
You know, Primary Education...
Oh yeah, the puns just keep rolling in. :)
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