Wednesday, August 27, 2008


It took me about five minutes to work out how to post a new blog.

What is this technical mumbo jumbo.

So. Here's an update. But...I don't know what to update you all with. And I use the term "you all" incredibly loosely, as I'm pretty sure the only one reading this is Jess. And I'm only posting this, because Jess specifically requested me to. But I have nfi what to write. I don't have thoughts, okay?! Well...not bloggable ones.'s the deal. Give me a topic, any topic, to blog about, and I'll blog it.



Annie said...

oy i read it!

i jst havnt ciommented and now i am and you should go and leave me a comment love and then we weill start a BLOGIGGN REVOLUUUTION!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO

you smell savanna

i have your simpsoins box

i had a yaga bomb tonibht do you know what that is? i ont even know how to spell it. ok then adiou [esde jiafa

Jessmindalala said...

Oh I never actually saw this post.

I think you should blog about me.

Like, a whole post dedicated to me.
Get creative.
(But nice creative; not mean...)